How to Make Sports More Sustainable

Figure 1 The sports industry has a big role in ensuring a more sustainable future

Although the world seems to be waking up to the dangers of climate change and businesses across the spectrum are beginning to take responsibility for their own contribution to providing a sustainable future, the world of sports is one that sometimes gets overlooked.

It is not as though the sports industry is not attempting to do its part in helping. But we don’t always think about sports in this way. For billions of people across the globe, sports is a release from everyday life and an enjoyable pastime that almost lives outside of normal existence. For a few hours at the weekend, we can forget about everything else and just concentrate on cheering on our team – and maybe even back them to win at the most popular online sportsbooks.

But the world of sports does not exist in a vacuum. As a part of our global society – and a very important and influential one at that – sports has the same role to play as everyone else in creating the sustainable future we all want. Much has already been done to give the industry credit. But – as with all parts of society – there is more to be done.

Sports Stadiums

There is a love of tradition and nostalgia in sports. But that doesn’t mean that change can’t be accepted – especially when it comes to sustainability. Many sports organizations and clubs around the world either build completely new stadiums or, at the very least, refurbish existing facilities.

If a team is going to build an entirely new stadium, there is the possibility to use much more sustainably sourced materials. English soccer club Forest Green Rovers is an excellent example of this, building its ground from sustainable timber. There are also alternatives to the more traditional environmentally damaging methods of building.

Renewable Energy

Once the new facilities are built, sports organizations can then make a positive move to renewable energy to continue helping with the effort. These new stadiums and arenas are a great opportunity for teams to effectively start over and become beacons of a new, environmentally sound sports industry.

Solar panels and wind turbines can be incorporated into stadiums, buildings, and facilities to provide energy, while other sources can be electric rather than fossil fuels. Teams can also rethink how they travel to and from games. With such large distances, avoiding air travel might not seem to be an option for some, but travel routines on a smaller scale can be changed.

Technological Advances

A lot of the time, becoming more sustainable for a sports organization is all about efficiency. Old ways of doing things are not only environmentally damaging but can also just simply be a worse way financially. That is why it is in every team’s interest to think about sustainability – even if their motives are not simply altruistic.

There are many instances of artificial intelligence (AI) being used in the design of stadiums to enhance spectator experience. But it can also be used to save time implementing new sustainability measures. Reducing carbon emissions and environmental maintenance work are just a few examples of how this can be beneficial.

Waste Reduction

When you think of all the trash that is collected after just one game at a professional sports stadium the importance of thinking about how to reduce waste is an obvious area where sustainability can be considered. Packaging and plastic use need to be addressed to enable teams to work towards a zero-waste future.

There has been welcome support for recycling drives in our everyday lives and that has now been replicated when it comes to sports too. Introducing more recycling areas and replacing plastic containers with reusable cups are obvious – and very easy to implement – ways that sports can help.

Influence and Education

Some sports team owners might complain about the cost of switching to a more sustainable way of operating. But there is one very important – and inexpensive – way that they can help. And that is simply through education. Sports teams and players are in a very privileged position of being hugely influential and that should be capitalized on.

A childhood fan of the Yankees is much more likely to listen to what Aaron Judge says than the Mayor of New York, Eric Adams, for example. So, why not use these star athletes to get messages about sustainability and environmental concerns across? Reaching the next generation has to be part of the move to a more sustainable future for all.

Figure 2 Changing energy sources can help

Mitigating Climate Change

Although sports can obviously be very tribal, the teams, players, and owners are in an enviable position to be able to reach millions of people with their sustainability messages. There is no political drawback to positioning themselves at the forefront of the campaign to mitigate climate change.

Sports can, therefore, be used as an excellent example of how ideas of sustainability and environmentally conscious programs can be successfully conveyed to the public. Sports is immensely important to the way society works, but that comes with a duty to help create a future that is better for all. It may not be able to solve the world’s problems on its own, but sports is able to help ensure that climate change does not have the effect that many fear it might.

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